Monday, November 14, 2011

The challenges of an exclusively pumping mum

We just got back from a week long trip and boy, am i exhausted! Pity the twins coz they are still not well and there i was, dragging them all the way to Langkawi. But one thing i realised on the trip was how difficult it was to stick with my pumping routine, especially when we were travelling with a bunch of other people,who might or might not understand why i disappear every now and again for 15-20 minutes or so. You know feel like you don't want to make anyone wait for you all the time.

And so, because of that, i ended up skipping a few sessions, for which now am paying a hefty price. My milk supply has dropped. Susah la kan...when you have other people involved..other people here i mean in laws. If its just Mr. Hubby, i can just make him wait...heheheh. Besides he has grown accustomed to my pumping routine.

Sikit sikit rushing...bila dah malam, badan dah penat..langsung tak bangun. Hmmm......its crazy how i "thought" i was bored with the same old routine everyday, but when i was actually away from those routine, i actually missed them. Especially when those routine made sure that i'm able to give EBM to my babies. I AM A SELF-CONFESSED ROUTINE FREAK! Am so glad to get back into them :o)

Some pics from the trip....

Lama tak tengok sawah padi

Driving thru kampung road

Taman tasik Taiping

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